Finding Your Neurokin
“Kaboose is a mobile app built for the
autistic and neurodivergent community.
With all member’s IDs verified, we offer
a safe and engaging online platform for
young people to connect with their peers
based on interests, as well as finding
mentors and employment opportunities” - Michelle Ridsdale
Kaboose App -
Living on the Spectrum
Free national autism and spectrum directory. Latest news, products and services in one location. For kids, adults, carers , friends and businesses.
Anita Aherne, Founder
Australian Neuroaffirming Health Professionals
A facebook group for Australian ND Affirming Health Professionals looking to upskill their knowledge base, info-dump and resource share to help our community.
Autistic/ADHD Online Communities
Facebook groups for Autistic/ADHD’ers offering peer to peer support with each other, sharing personal experiences and differences.
Yellow Ladybugs
Yellow Ladybugs is an autistic-led, non-government organisation that celebrates Autistic women and gender diverse communities, particularly targeted at youth.
Neuroaffirming Clinicians
Highly recommended neuroaffirming clinicians doing their part to give back to neurokin and sharing knowledge, research and lived-experiences to support our community.